
Here’s how we solve problems from councils to cafes

In 2012 Envirofriendly conducted a three month trial with the aim to show the effectiveness of our tailored program with the use of our biological products in a controlled trial within the Port Douglas sewerage scheme.

The sewer in Port Douglas draining to the pump well in the park near the water front had a large build-up of
grease and fats. The result of this build up was extremely bad odours and the pumps and floats being
clogged and fowled. The part of the Port Douglas sewer that was to be trialed runs from the top of the slope
in Port Douglas town centre down toward the seafront. This part of Port Douglas encompasses the main
entertainment area including restaurants, cafes and hotels, the local shopping centre which contained
Coles with its large combi ovens and the local marina and fish markets.

Reduce the hard crust of grease and oils within the pump well. With the aim to:

  • Reduce the time spent by Council staff clearing blockages.
  • Reduce the time on site for Council staff to clean the pump well on a weekly basis
  • To investigate the extension of scheduled maintenance intervals.
  • Eradicate bad odours emanating from the sewer lines and pump wells.

Together 4 sites in Port Douglas were agreed upon for the placement of dosing machines. Site 1, 2 and 3
were selected as they are close to the starting point for all of the waste which would ultimately end in
the pump well in the park.

Envirofriendly calculated the correct product and dosage required for each site and a proposal was put
forward to Council for consideration.

The agreed date for the commencement of the trial was June 2012 to run for three months. Envirofriendly
would monitor and replenish dosing equipment every month.

(Site 3: After first month of treatment before and after photos)

In September 2012 Envirofriendly met with council officers and all agreed that the trial had been a success.

  • The odour levels in the pump well at the Fish markets (park) had significantly been reduced
  • The pump well was considerably easier to clean on a regular basis.
  • No blockages had occurred because of grease and fats fowling the pumps and floats
  • The extension of time intervals between cleaning of the pump well was not trialled by the Council.

This kind of positive effects found in the trial suggests:

  • That with the implementation of regular use of our biological products, the flow on effect would be seen
    through the entire sewer infrastructure.
  • An extension of maintenance intervals to pump well would be a probability.
  • Extended life expectancy for floats and pumps.
  • Regular use of EnviroFriendly can substantially reduce the amount of hydrogen sulphide gases in the
    drainage and sewerage lines, thus maintaining the structural integrity of ferrous pipe, concrete
    drainage and water collection infrastructure. This would have an enormously positive impact on
    maintenance costs.

Council officers stated there were no funds put aside in this year’s budget to implement the preventative
maintenance program and that if funds were available they would give consideration to the program.

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Innovative Liquid Waste Solutions


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We have been using the entire range of envirofriendly products. The quality and the results speak for themselves.

Waste management services
Brisbane City Council